Equitas Academy Charter Schools

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Jennifer Freeman » Jennifer Freeman Bio

Jennifer Freeman Bio

Jennifer has devoted the past 20 years of her professional career to supporting and advocating for the diverse needs of English Learners.   

Jennifer was drawn towards working with English Learners when she began her teaching career as a Biology teacher in Ghana, West Africa, where she served for two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer. After Peace Corps, Jennifer taught ELD to Newcomer ELs and long-term English Learners for 10 years in Chicago Public Schools, LAUSD and Green Dot Public Schools.  

Jennifer then sought out the opportunity to have a larger scale impact on developing and designing the programs and supports for English Learners and became the founding District EL Coordinator at Green Dot Public Schools in 2014. She spent the last 5 years in this role where she managed the instructional programs and supports for ELs at 22 school sites. Her main focus has been viewing English learners with an asset-based lens and ensuring teachers, instructional leaders and all stakeholders prioritize EL supports and have the resources they need to ensure ELs receive an equitable educational experience. 

Jennifer is really excited to collaborate and learn from the long history of successful instructional programs at Equitas and to bring her strong passion and knowledge for all learners to the organization.