Equitas Academy Charter Schools

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Equitas Academy 2: Middle School » Arrival and Dismissal Plan

Arrival and Dismissal Plan

Arrival and Dismissal Plan: Middle School
In order to ensure the safety of our students, we are instituting the following pick up and drop off plan for Equitas Academy Middle School.  School staff will institute this policy immediately and monitor traffic daily.
1. All vehicle pick up and drop off must occur behind the school building on the dead end off Huntley Drive within the designated zone.
2. Do not drop off students on the streets without an adult.
3. Vehicles must continue traveling within the valet line.
4. If you are waiting to drop off or pick up a student, please read all street signs as many areas are no parking zones.
5. Parking monitors in orange vests will open car doors.  Please have your child wait for them.
Any student that violates school policies will be subject to disciplinary action.  Continual violation of this policy will result in progressive discipline up to suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion. 
If you have any questions about the pick up or drop off policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your cooperation.